Kara Jaeger About Me

About Reps & Relax

Greetings, my name is Kara Jaeger. I am originally from Colorado and have since transitioned from mountains to bubbles. In 2011, I embarked on my journey in the Keys as a scuba instructor and have since pursued my passion in the wellness industry. As a licensed and insured ACSM-certified personal trainer and massage therapist, my objective is to assist you in feeling your best and pursuing your love for life for as long as possible.

I am the proprietor and operator of Reps and Relax, formerly known as Destination Dumbbell. In June 2020, amidst the Covid pandemic, I established my enterprise with the intention of providing a sense of normalcy and the opportunity to maintain physical activity and social connections. I recognized that personal wellness goals were being jeopardized and thus, I initiated virtual personal training sessions via video conferencing, which subsequently evolved into one-on-one personal training at clients’ residences. At Reps and Relax, your health objectives and overall well-being are my utmost priority. I assure you that I am committed to your best interests and am dedicated to assisting you in thriving. Whether you are a seasoned fitness enthusiast or a novice, I can tailor a program to suit your needs and will endeavor to keep you motivated, enthusiastic, and inspired to return week after week, ultimately achieving the standard of health you aspire to.