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Welcome to Reps and Relax!

Start your adventure toward wellness at this very moment! Whether you possess prior experience in fitness or are seeking to acquire knowledge, I am at your disposal to provide assistance. At Reps and Relax, you shall be educated on the correct and secure methods of body movement, with the added benefit of recovery options. As an ACSM-certified personal trainer and LMT, I possess the expertise to aid you in accomplishing your health and fitness objectives, enabling you to remain active and relish the life you are entitled to!

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Reps and Relax
Reps and Relax24 minutes ago
This morning’s Morning Momentum yoga class was all about love—Valentine’s Day style! ❤️💖 I showed up in my best bright red and pink yoga gear, ready to flow with heart-opening poses and a playlist full of yoga love.

We moved with intention, focused on opening up the heart space, and for those feeling adventurous, I threw in a fun peak pose—tripod headstand! Whether it was a first attempt or just another chance to play upside down, it was a beautiful moment of exploration.

I had such a great time sharing this class today! If you missed it, I’d love to have you join me next time. Just a heads-up—next week’s Morning Momentum is canceled as I’ll be traveling to Mexico, but I’ll be back the following week! See you on the mat soon! 💕 #MorningMomentum

#YogaLove #HeartOpeningFlow#RepsAndRelax #AISolution #RRYoga #MorningMomentum #OnlineYoga #VirtualFitness #ActiveIsolatedStretching #PersonalTrainer #WomenWhoLift #HealthyAging #StrongAndFlexible #YogaForStrength #PainFreeMovement #MindBodyConnection #MoveBetterFeelBetter